The cartoon series “Chota bheem” revolves around the
character of nine years old boy called Bheem. He is full of energy, power and
bravery as well as full of intelligence. The biggest enemy of bheem is the
other character called Kalia Pehalwan, This is a jealous boy who is ten years
old. He is jealous of bheem’s bravery and popularity in the town of Dholakpur which
is set in the rural area of India. All the scenes shows the real picture of
India as this cartoon series is developed in India by the Indian producer and
the company is also situated in India.
Chota bheem cartoon
is now set to play a game of death with his enemy. His enemy Kalia along with
his friends try to plot embarrass and defeat bheem but due to the kind heart of
Bheem and immense popularity they never success in their plans.
The main plot of the series is all about the fight between
bheem and Kalia along with their friends. All the people of the town especially
children look up to Bheem as he is kind hearted and always seen helping other people.
Due to the support of people Bheem defeats Kali and his friends and after this
success they becomes more honorable in the society. Now they are heroes of the
town and they celebrate their win in the form of a grant party having laddoo
and cocktail. Enjoy the best cartoon series as well as try to share it with
your friends, because you will find some positive lessons in this series just
like other online cartoon movies or animated movies.
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